Taper #6 : A Throw of the Dice is out!

July 8, 2021

Taper #6: A Throw of the Dice is out! Read 26 computational poems from 23 authors, written in less than 2KB of HTML5. Published by Bad Quarto Press. https://taper.badquar.to/6/ this issue celebrates the work of Stephané Mellarmé. Published in 1897, Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard (A Throw of the Dice will Never Abolish Chance) is a book of poems that is said to influence modern hypertext because of the careful placement of text to allow for multiple readings. Taper#6 asked authors to mediate on the theme of randomness, textual placement, and multiple readings. All works conformed to the ES6 HTML5 standard, and small source code size (2Kb or less).  We looked for works that excelled in literary and technical creativity.  Established net artists and digital literature writers over the world are presented here. The result is a solid compendium of novel computational poetry experiences, showing off the beauty of literary creativity inspired by technical constraint. Enjoy!

The call for the next issue is on the about page, with a deadline in August 31, 2021.

See the announcement via twitter