
Angela is a practicing artist and designer researching how interfaces can enhance collocated collaboration. Her current focus is developing interfaces that enable parents to become better storytellers to young children. She also creates media, textiles, devices, and systems that heighten people’s presence to improve communication, education, and artistic expression.  Angela received an SB in Mechanical Engineering at MIT, and her Masters and PhD at the MIT Media Lab in Media Arts and Sciences.

Her research in synesthesia led her to develop devices that translated touch through remote communication devices. She further developed haptic technology and prototyped user experiences for the Advanced Concepts Group at Motorola. She is an inventor on several human computer interaction and tactile interface patents. She currently develops gesturally responsive storybooks to facilitate emergent literacy learning and emotional bonding during parent-child storytelling. She is interested in building sensorial interfaces and storytelling experiences that help people increase their sense of common ground. Currently she is a research affiliate at the MIT Trope Tank in the Comparative Media Studies and Writing Department,

She also explores visual art that teases the senses. Here are some places to view my computer-generated designs and and photographs on Society6 and clothing on ArtOfWhere.

Current Projects:

Classes I've taught:

Courses I've TA'ed or LA'ed at MIT:

  • Tangible Interfaces
  • How To Make Almost Anything
  • 2.009 Product Development Processes
  • 2.00b Toy Product Design

Some Community Projects I've run:

  • Summer MITverses MPC Collab
  • IAP Electrotextiles Workshop
  • IAP Easy Dorm Renovations

Other links:

My reading recommendations *(Happy to talk about these books!):