
Thu, 01/06/2022

Yolita Wildman Nugent interviewed me for a piece on my experiene building cultures of innovation. So nice to talk to her and relive old times at the Lab. In doing the interview, I remembered many of the things I've had experiences in, such as working on electronic textiles and fashion shows. I...

Wed, 01/05/2022

Taper #7: Wonders is out! We are having a joint launch event with the Electronic Literature Organization and have invited all authors to attend. Looking forward to acknowledging every author's contribution and putting names to faces.  :)

Thu, 07/08/2021

Taper #6: A Throw of the Dice is out! Read 26 computational poems from 23 authors, written in less than 2KB of HTML5. Published by Bad Quarto Press. this issue celebrates the work of...

Thu, 10/15/2020

Taper #5, Pent Up, is out! Check out the free/open-source computational poetry of 17 minimalist digital poems (each no more than 2KB!) and includes work in Spanish, French, Wixárika. Poets from Argentina Australia Canada Germany Hong Kong Mexico Nigeria UK and US. 

Wed, 04/22/2020

Synaesthesia Muse was recently featured for the Luminous Firefly Dress by PNAS.